First Visit

Please review our list of insurance plans to ensure we participate in your plan. Click here to view the list. Please contact  your insurance provider to understand coverage, copays, deductibles, and other patient responsibility. 

 Patient Forms:


IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 at the consultation visit.

Our time together will be most beneficial if you bring the following information with you. We want our time together to be as productive as possible. By coming prepared both you the patient and the doctor can create a treatment plan best suited for your needs.

If this is the first time you are visiting a Podiatrist, don’t worry.  The guide below will prepare you for your appointment and make most of your time with Dr. Pathan.

Before Your Visit:

  • Make a list of your symptoms and questions
  • Make a list all medications and any previous surgeries.
  • Gather and bring important medical records and laboratory test reports from other doctors or hospitals (including x-rays, MRIs and lab results)
  • Check with your insurance provider to see if a referral is needed.
  • Call before your visit to tell the office if you have special needs.
  • Bring a friend or family member if you think it will be helpful.
  • If your problems involves walking and/or exercise, bring your walking/exercise shoes with you to the appointment.

During Your Visit:

  • Go over your list of question. If you do not understand an answer, be sure to ask for further explanation.
  • Take notes and listen carefully.
  • Discuss your symptoms and any recent changes you may have noticed.
  • Talk about all new medications. Ask why it has been prescribed, and how to take it.
  • Describe any allergies.
  • Tell Dr. Pathan if you are pregnant.
  • Let Dr. Pathan know if you are being treated by other doctors

After Your Visit:

  • Prepare for any tests Dr. Pathan orders. Ask about what you need to do to get ready, possible side effects, and when you can expect results. Ask when and how the test results will be made available to you.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment (if necessary) before you leave our office.
  • Call our office and ask for your test results if you do not hear from us.